Thursday, March 10, 2011



Wednesday, March 9, 2011


哈老。。。今天我认为我的 presentation还好,因为很紧张,可能是因为由学生评分的关系,而且我又没有认识的人,所以才那么怕。老师要我们make eye contact,我觉得我完全没有,可能那部分会拿0分。。。伤心。讲完的时候有个男的明明没有拍手,可是当我看这他的时候他就故意拍给我看。。。很象很串酱酱。其实我有点怕他,因为每次我看到他时,他的眼神都很凶,很恐怖,很像要把我砍掉酱。今天当我在走着去我的课室时,有两个男的鬼老走在我的前面,他们说“虽然这是国际学校,但他很讨厌亚洲人”,突然起中一个看到我在他们后面,我知道他在看着我,所以我马上就走掉了,可是心里面却一直在咒他们,因为我实在忍不住了,也不知到他们为什么这么讨厌我们???谁能告诉我呀?

Monday, March 7, 2011

School Life

Hi everyone, sorry for not updating my blog for so long.Time flies so fast ,I can't believe I am here for 3 months already.The biggest changes here is the language and school, the education system here is so much different.But I still enjoy school eventhought I have not make much friends,some of the subject i would even sit alone sad.I find it really hard to make friends here and to communicate with them,one of the main reason is because of the laguage, the other reaon is probaly because we don't have the same topic to talk about,I think that I have try my best,I have try my best to make friends and to talk to people,but I still fail.Its so fastrating,and it makes me feel like want to cry,whenever i am alone i will think of my friend that i have in Malaysia,it makes me so emotional.This is all for today,I will try to update my blog more often if i have time,and also to inform my friends in Malaysia i will be running during sports day for 200m,1500m,3000.See ya.